Simulacra 2 photos
Simulacra 2 photos

simulacra 2 photos

Baudrillard’s entire oeuvre displays his interest in the subject of the simulacrum and its relationship with reality. ‘ Baudrillard, Jean (1929-2007) French sociologist and philosopher. The brief Dictionary entry, from one of the most recent definitive reference books in photographic studies, is worth quoting in full because it captures the common errors and misunderstandings to date as to why Baudrillard is interested in photography, and what the purpose of his own photographs is: The inclusion of a single paragraph entry on Baudrillard in Herschdorfer’s (2015) Le dictionnaire de la photographie 1 is telling as to the problem this paper seeks to address. Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007) is only beginning to be referenced in the field of photography (see Richon, 2013 Coulter, 2020). Second, at the ‘International symposium on Jean Baudrillard’ held in Italy on November 21 st at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (MACRO).

simulacra 2 photos

My opening keynote was dedicated to Gerry Coulter who founded and edited the International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (see Smith, 2018). First, at the 2nd International and Multidisciplinary Conference on Baudrillard Studies – ‘Applied Baudrillard’ – held in Oxford, England (September 5th to 7th). Note: Earlier versions of this paper were presented as two keynote addresses in 2018.

Simulacra 2 photos